Sunday, April 4, 2010

John Smith

The John Smith program was pretty awesome. Humor definitely plays a part in his delivery but the videos were intriguing on other levels too. I remember a few did run longer than I was expecting but I don’t ever remember being bored or lost watching. Sometimes watching experimental cinema I find myself wondering where things are going or how long something will drag on but that wasn’t the case with this program. I think his strongest talent was how fluid he made the story telling. Quite a few moments I had to remind myself I was still watching one film because he was able to take the story/topic off several different tangents and things never ended up where you thought they would. He is a real master at playing with your expectations and pulling you through different alley ways, I was always engaged but it wasn’t always because of what I was looking at so much as it was through the storytelling, the voice over. I also liked his editing techniques. With the camera a lot of his shots were straightforward but the way he cut them together into rhythms was neat. You couldn’t help but wonder how much time had passed between some of the shots in “Slow Glass.”

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