Monday, January 18, 2010

Semester Proposal

The conceptual theme I want to work with this semester deals with Man’s place in the natural world. This is a broad and abstract thought and I’ve not quite pinned down where I want to go with it exactly. Ultimately I just kind of see humanity as having the ability to be another destructive force in nature no worse nor better than a flood, hurricane, drought etc. at the same time being just as vulnerable. This is where I see the significance in using digital media to convey this concept, the amount of damage humanity has done to the environment correlates to our technological advances.

The reason this theme interests me is partly due to some of the traveling I’ve done. I’ve noticed to some degree that the environmental characteristics of a location have as much an effect on the people as the culture does. From my experience, places that have overbearing natural elements (mountains, oceans, forests) close by also tend to have cultural views and laws that are more respectful or considerate of the environment. Cities that do not have these kinds of elements present tend to continually expand/grow their city limits and populations, further imposing human development into nature. To me it’s as though the grandness of nature only comes to our awareness when it is literally present, even though it’s always present regardless.

I want to continue using Photoshop with digital video to explore stylistic ‘video paintings’ that function somewhere between video and animation and exist as projected video loops. I would also like to incorporate sculptural elements in some of the projects and make multi-channel installations. I want to allow the pixilation and scan lines to come through and “be” in a similar way that the modern painters allowed the brush strokes and paint drips to be what they are on a painting.


  1. Well! I am definitely interested to see how your video paintings turn out - the idea of relating digital artifacts to brush strokes is intriguing.

    As far as your inspiration and theme, I can relate somewhat. Traveling out of your element (heck, traveling in general) can really show what huge differences can exist between cultures. It will be interesting to see how these differences come up in your work.

    Actually, the first metaphor you mentioned, where man is similar to a natural disaster but vulnerable as well, is quite an interesting juxtaposition, too.

  2. I thought of your final project from two semesters ago-- in an inverse kind of relationship to these ideas, that piece dealt with the built commercial environment impacting the human. Also, I wonder, is it useful to remember that humans are a part of the natural world? And if so, what is it that set us apart? The ability to control and build our own environment? I remember traveling in China in the late 80's and thinking a great deal about how the different environments of the north vs south impacted the people of those areas... or maybe it was that those people somehow carried the characteristics of their locale in the way they moved, the sounds they made... etc. Just some thoughts.

  3. The funnest part of wanting to do a topic like yours is that you have to remove yourself mentally so you can properly explain what comes about.

    [/imaginationland]I'm picturing a blue globe with Pangaea where, with a nod to Plate-tectonics, the landmasses separate into the continents, the continents develop green, red, yellow, and dark brown pigments (plantlife, mountains, plantless lands, and grizzly bears respectively)and then a new pigment begins apearing (pigment x) and the pigment x travels across all the continents, all the while, multuiplying, and creating new pigments and shaping the pre-existing geography and creating new items, some of which jump out of the globe and towards the viewer.
    Eventually the pigment fills up all space on the continents, then the water and then, after much saturation, the globe explodes and the only thing seen is a space ship heading towards the viewer.

    PS: "Pigment X" is "man"

    The crowd goes nuts.
    [/imagination land]

    Good luck bro.

  4. Wow something else to chew on. I like the idea! I have a question though, how would you make the pixelation intentional? Maybe a lower resolution. I think most people try to avoid it so how could you present it in a way that people can see it as "paint strokes". I know that personally when trying to view streaming videos, pixels really annoy me lol. I don't know. I mean there are also people who prefer smooth paintings. I guess what I am trying to ask is, how can you makes the pixelation seem intentional? Or is it ok that people will be turned off by it? Also, are you going to incorporate sounds into the installations? I think it could be powerful either way but maybe that extra element can contribute to the piece. I am excited to see how it turns out!!

  5. I think you could spend a whole semester, maybe even more, just on the concept of the "artist's hand" in digital media. Seems like a tricky thing to pin down. So many digital effects are simulations of other media (film, painting and drawing). What would be a true digital "brushstroke" that refers only to itself? Pixelation seems like the closest thing...what causes it? Glitches in codes, mathematical formula or problems with hardware? Who knows...but it seems like that might be the key. Overall though, I can see how this could relate to your interest in manmade technology's effect on the environment.

  6. Thanks for the feedback everyone, your comments have given my a lot to think about. After going back and re-reading my post after reading your remarks I can see my idea needs more fleshing out. I think you're right about the "artist's hand in digital media" being a whole theme in and of itself so the idea of video painting may not be where I go after all. Also, considering what's going on nearby in the world right now, the idea of "Man as destructive force" now seems a little trite. All stuff to consider and help me dig deeper to the bare bones of what I want to get at.
